Surrey Muse Gathering November 24, 2017
Delighted to say I will be the signing author at Surrey Muse Gathering
Come out to this multi-disciplinary event. Their website description:
Surrey Muse is an inclusive space initiated by writers, performers and artists who want to excel in our art, who strive to create supportive platforms for ourselves and our peers, and who wish to bring together through art and literature Surrey’s diverse communities.
Book Launch – November 5, 2017
TWS Community Workshops: Exposition – A Better Way to Tell – November 4, 2017
If you’ve every struggled with exposition in your writing consider this workshop. I’m looking forward to meeting and working with writers on finding ways to more dynamically incorporate background information in their stories.
Whistler Writers Festival Oct 14, 2017
I will join Jim Nason, Jane Eaton Hamilton, Lenore Rowntree, and the fiction winner of the Whistler Independent Book Prize for the Writers of Fiction panel, moderated by Claudia Casper.
WORD Vancouver 2017
On Sunday, September 24 I will be at WORD Vancouver doing manuscript consults with other writers from The Writer’s Studio at SFU. Do check out the schedule and book a spot to talk about your work.